People and Leaders

Klaus Schwab to step down from the WEF (FREE)

Klaus Schwab to step down from the WEF. This is a FREE article

Klaus Schwab founded and was chairman of the WEF since 1971.

The WEF is some kind of think tank for global corporations that goes beyond the simple traditional think tank in the sense that it has an outreach and influence over politicians, institutions and corporations that goes beyond the “thinking” part.

Klaus Schwab and the WEF have a profound vision on how to disrupt society in the advantage of profit and technology and in the disadvantage of humans.

Most of Schwabs (WEF) recommendations are not what we would call ‘human-friendly’ but are some kind of futuristic vision of the world where humanity has been replaced with robots, artificial intelligence and algorithmes.

Davos is the little baby of Schwab. Besides being the most important annual event for luxury prostitutes and escorts, Davos (WEF) meetings have become the symbol of eco-hypocrisy.

Schwab is a remarkable enigmatic figure in the sense that he was able to project his Leninist ideology onto major global corporations without the corporations noticing anything …. and this my friends is a remarkable achievement that we should grant him.

Klaus Schwab has become the elephant in the room and has become a liability for the WEF and for global corporations. I invite you to scroll on social media and read the uncountable number of conspiracy theories linking Schwab to some kind of dark global elite that wants to destroy humanity and its communities.

In addition, Klaus Schwab is German, which I believe doesn’t play in the advantage of the reputation of Germans.

I’m not going to miss him as he represents everything that I dislike about the nice beautiful planet we live on.

Here you can see a picture of Schwab in his office, with a nice statue of his idol.

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World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab steps back from executive post

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